This year is a very special year for me. Besides some professional changes I am very very very excited to participate at this years conference Reasons To Be Creative. It’s not only the fact that RTBC offers a superb program with excellent speakers. Or that one has the chance to meet some of the coolest people in the field of design, code and making.
It’s also a tremendous honor and pleasure, that my Elevator Pitch proposal has been accepted! So I will get the opportunity to be on the stage of the beautiful Brighton Dome and present in 180 seconds my topic. This is a extreme challenge, because I guess that my contents are rather not typical for the festival. So I am even more grateful that John was open for me as an “outsider”.
But the most important aspect is my feeling of coming home. Because I attended 2011 at the last Flash on the beach conference (the “precursor” of RTBC). To make it short: That was a milestone in my life. Because I saw for the first time obviously very successful people speaking about their way of failing, and what they have learned from these experiences. Therefore it was clear, that I will one day ink my skin with the last words of Samuel Beckets famous words:
Ever tried. Ever failed. No Matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
So folks, get your butt up and buy tickets and join the ride!